Knowledge is power -- and in healthcare, that holds
absolutely true. Yet, for an industry that is under financial stress,
increasing complexity of disease and co-morbidity, and burdened by
capacity constraints -- why has data not been health care's savvier?
Three major challenges have inhibited this:
- data is not accessible and remains in silos;
- data is not analysed to derive meaningful clinical insights;
- insight isn't accessible for actioning by providers or patients to self/joint manage their condition.
Our consortium of medical professionals, data
scientists, IT-infrastructure experts, machine learning researchers and
legal experts have designed Enabling Patient Interventions to liberate,
analyse, and action that data in a trustworthy way. EPI aims to empower
patients and providers through self-management, shared management, and
personalization across the full health spectrum. To do so, we will build
a fuller picture of the person by linking traditional eHealth data sets
with new sources of data. Further, we will develop a platform based
upon a secure and trustworthy distributed data infrastructure, combining
data analytics, including machine learning, and health decision support
algorithms to create new, actionable, and personalized insights for
prevention, management, and intervention to providers and patients. We
will develop new machine learning methods for determining and analysing
optimal interventions within small patient groups.
Our insights will be applied in healthcare use cases
representing a spectrum of health management challenges ranging from
common chronic to highly lethal orphan diseases, and will empower better
self/joint management of these conditions to improve cost, quality, and
outcomes of care.
Here are introductory slides about the project: in Dutch, and in English. This website is reachable under: https://enablingpersonalizedinterventions.nl/
Research topics:
The overall aim of this project is to explore the
use and effectiveness of data driven development of scientific
algorithms, supporting personalized self- and joint management during
medical interventions / treatments. The key objective is to use data
science promoting health practically with data from various sources to
formulate lifestyle advice, prevention, diagnostics, and treatment
tailored to the individual, and to provide personalized, effective,
real-time feedback via a concept referred in this proposal as a digital
health twin. The project addresses six research questions:
- RQ1/2:
- Dynamically Analyzing Interventions
based on Small Groups: how can we determine, based on as little data as
possible, whether an intervention does or does not work for a small
group or even an individual patient? And how can we identify effective
intervention strategies and optimize personalization strategies
applicable for different patient and lifestyle profiles via dynamic
(on-line) clustering of patients?
- Lead CWI: Rosanne Turner, Peter Grunwald
- RQ3:
- Data and Algorithm Distribution:
what are the consequences of a distributed, multi-platform,
multi-domain, multi-data-source big data infrastructure on the machine
learning algorithms and what are potential consequences on performance?
- Lead: VU, Corinne Allaart, Henri Bal
- RQ4:
- Adaptive health diagnosis leading to
optimized intervention: how can we enhance self- / joint management by
dynamically integrating updated models generated from machine learning
from various data sources in state of the art health support systems
that based on personal health records, knowledge of health modes and
effective interventions?
- Lead: UvA, Saba Amiri, Adam Belloum
- RQ5:
- Regulatory constraints and data
governance: how can we create scalable solutions that meet legal
requirements and consent or medical necessity-based access to data for
allowed data processing and preventing breaches of these rules by
embedded compliance, providing evidence trails and transparency, thus
building trust in a sensitive big data sharing infrastructure?
- Lead: UvA, Milen Girma Kebede, Giovanni Sileno, Tom van Engers
- RQ6:
- Infrastructure: how can the various
requirements from the use-cases be implemented using a single functional
ICT-infrastructure architecture?
- Lead: UvA, Jamila Kassem, Paola Grosso
- Leon Gommans, John Vollbrecht, Betty Gommans -
de Bruijn, Cees de Laat, "The Service Provider Group Framework; A
framework for arranging trust and power to facilitate authorization of
network services.", Future Generation Computer Systems, (Accepted
paper), June 2014
- Leon Gommans, "Multi-Domain Authorization for e-Infrastructures", UvA, Dec 2014.
- Internet2 2012 session: "Trust Framework for Multi-Domain Authorization".
- speakers: Leon Gommans , John Vollbrecht, chair: Cees de Laat.
Managing Our Hub Economy, Marco Iansiti, Karim R. Lakhani, Harvard Business review, September-October 2017 issue, [local copy]
NWO press release: Enabling Personalized Interventions - EPI.
| PhD thesis defense in the
Agnietenkapel of the University of Amsterdam, promotores prof.dr. Paola
Grosso, prof.dr.ir. Cees de Laat, co-promotor prof.dr. Anwar Osseyran:
Jamila Alsayed Kassem MSc, "Programmable Infrastructures for Secure
2024-03-07 |
EPI Closing Conference
Presentations at the EPI Quarterly meeting on January 17, 2024. |
B Borsos, CG Allaart, A van Halteren. Predicting stroke outcome: A case
for multimodal deep learning methods with tabular and CT Perfusion data.
2024 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 147, 102719
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0933365723002336 |
PhD thesis defense in the
Academiegebouw of Leiden University, promotor prof.dr. Peter D.
Grunwald: dr. Rosanne J. Turner, "Safe Anytime-Valid Inference: From Theory
to Implementation in Psychiatry Research."
Paper: Yuri van der Does, Rosanne J. Turner, Miel J.H.
Bartels, Karin Hagoort, Aäron Metselaar, Floortje Scheepers, Peter D.
Grünwald, Metten Somers and Edwin van Dellen. “Outcome prediction of
electroconvulsive therapy for depression”. Published in Psychiatry
Research Volume 326, August 2023, 115328. Link to full text: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2023.115328
Paper: Rosanne J Turner, Karin Hagoort, Rosa J Meijer,
Femke Coenen and Floortje E Scheepers: “Bayesian network analysis of
antidepressant treatment trajectories”. Published in Scientific reports
2023 May 24;13(1):8428. Link to full text: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-35508-7
Paper: accepted for presentation at AISTATS 2023 and
published in proceedings Rosanne J. Turner and Peter D. Grunwald "Safe
Sequential Testing and Effect Estimation in Stratified Count Data",
gepubliceerd in PMLR 206, 2023. https://proceedings.mlr.press/v206/turner23a/turner23a.pdf
Tutorial by Tim Müller and Adam Belloum "Introduction to the EPI Framework", at ICT.OPEN 2023 in Utrecht (NL).
Presentations at the EPI Quarterly meeting on November 8, 2022.
J. A. Kassem, A. Belloum, T. Müller and
P. Grosso, "Utilisation Profiles of Bridging Function Chain for
Healthcare Use Cases," 2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on
e-Science (e-Science), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 2022, pp. 475-480, doi:
C. A. Esterhuyse, T. Müller, L. T. Van
Binsbergen and A. S. Z. Belloum, "Exploring the Enforcement of Private,
Dynamic Policies on Medical Workflow Execution," 2022 IEEE 18th
International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), Salt Lake City, UT,
USA, 2022, pp. 481-486, doi: 10.1109/eScience55777.2022.00086.
Paper: "CG Allaart, B Keyser, H Bal, A Van
Halteren. Vertical Split Learning-an exploration of predictive
performance in medical and other use cases. 2022 International Joint
Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8", https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9891964
R.J. Turner "Sequential Tests with
Optional Stopping and Anytime-Valid Effect Size Estimation for
Two-Sample Data Streams using E-Processes", Presented at the IMS Annual
Meeting 2022.
Short paper: R.J. Turner (Rosanne),
P.D. Grünwald (Peter) and A. Härmä (Aki) "Safe Sequential Conditional
Independence Tests for Discrete Variables" Presented at the OCUPAI'22 -
Online Conference to Unite Philips AI 2022 (June 2022), Online. |
R.J. Turner (Rosanne), F. Coenen
(Femke), F. Roelofs (Femke), K. Hagoort (Karin), A. Härmä (Aki), P.D.
Grünwald (Peter), F.P. Velders (Fleur) and F.E. Scheepers (Floortje)
"Information extraction from free text for aiding transdiagnostic
psychiatry: constructing NLP pipelines tailored to clinicians’ needs"
BMC Psychiatry, 2022, Volume 22 p. 407.1- 407.11.c
Presentation: R.J. Turner
"Anytime-valid Confidence Intervals for Contingency Tables and Beyond",
Presented at the workshop Save Anytime-Valid Inference and
Game-theoretic Statistics, 2022. |
Presentation: R.J. Turner and P.D.
Grünwald "Anytime-valid testing and confidence intervals in contingency
tables and beyond", Presented at the A/B Testing Workshop (May 2022),
Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Presentation: R.J. Turner
"Netwerkanalyse van antidepressiva behandeltrajecten", Presented at the
NVVP (Dutch Psychiatry Association) Spring Conference , May 11-13, 2022. |
Presentations and posters ICT.OPEN in
the RAI Amsterdam: Enabling Personalized Interventions (EPI) Consortium
Meeting and contributions at ICT.Open |
Paper: Rosanne J. Turner and Peter D. Grunwald "Exact
Anytime-valid Confidence Intervals for Contingency Tables and Beyond" in
Statistics & Probability Letters, 109835. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spl.2023.109835
At SC-Asia in
the Asia Pacific Research Platform (APRP) session chaired by mr. Yves
Poppe (NSCC): "Secure data sharing in the Responsible Internet.".
Presentations at the EPI Quarterly meeting on January 17, 2022.
L. Thomas van Binsbergen. at Programming Languages and the Law ProLaLa
2022. Reflections on the design and application of eFLINT. Programming
Languages and the Law 2022, [youtube link].
Interview: "SuperScience: Vertrouwd gevoelige data
kunnen delen en verwerken", interview door Sjoerd Hartholt, Redacteur
AG-Connect van Cees de Laat, AG-Connect - 11 Nov 2021
Presentation and Paper:
van Binsbergen, L. T., Kebede, M. G., Baugh, J., van Engers, T., &
van Vuurden, D. G. Dynamic generation of access control policies from
social policies, The 11th International Conference on Current and Future
Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare
(ICTH 2021)November 1-4, 2021, Leuven, Belgium. https://ltvanbinsbergen.nl/files/papers/icth2021.pdf
Presentation and paper
by Onno Valkering at 17th IEEE eScience 2021, International Conference
ReWorDS21 workshop: "Brane: A Framework for Programmable
Orchestration of Multi-site Applications."
Presentation and paper
by Jamila Alsayed Kassem at 17th IEEE eScience 2021, International
Conference: "EPI Framework: Approach for Traffic Redirection
Through Containerised Network Functions."
Presentation by Thomas van Binsbergen at Communications of the ACM Europe Region Special Section Virtual Workshop (CACM), aug 25 - 26, 2021: "Digital Data Marketplaces".
Presentations at the EPI Quarterly meeting on July 1, 2021.
Paper: Rosanne Turner, Alexander Ly, Peter Grunwald,
"Two-Sample Tests that are Safe under Optional Stopping, with an
Application to Contingency Tables", Published on arXiv:2106.02693 [stat.ME].
Presentations at the EPI April 22, 2021: Tiny Workshop & Consortium Meeting Enabling Personalized Interventions. |
Presentation and abstract at ICT-Open 2021 Feb 10-11, 2021: Jamila Alsayed Kassem, "EPI Framework: A dynamic infrastructure to support health applications."
Paper: Kebede M.G. (2021) Automating
Normative Control for Healthcare Research. In: Rodríguez-Doncel V.,
Palmirani M., Araszkiewicz M., Casanovas P., Pagallo U., Sartor G. (eds)
AI Approaches to the Complexity of Legal Systems XI-XII. AICOL 2020,
AICOL 2018, XAILA 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13048.
Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-89811-3_5
Paper: Kebede M.G., Sileno G., Van Engers T. (2021) A
Critical Reflection on ODRL. In: Rodríguez-Doncel V., Palmirani M.,
Araszkiewicz M., Casanovas P., Pagallo U., Sartor G. (eds) AI Approaches
to the Complexity of Legal Systems XI-XII. AICOL 2020, AICOL 2018,
XAILA 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13048. Springer,
Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-89811-3_4 |
Short Paper: R.J. Turner and P.D. Grünwald. "Safe
Tests for 2 x 2 Contingency Tables and the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Test"
presentation at BNAIC/ BENELEARN 2020.
Paper: Jamila Alsayed Kassem, Cees de Laat, Arie
Taal, and Paola Grosso, The EPI Framework: A dynamic data sharing
framework for healthcare use cases", IEEE Acees journal, Digital
Object Identifier DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3028051 |
Paper: Wouter van Haaften, Alex Sangers, Tom van
Engers, Somayeh Djafari, "Coping with the general data protection
regulation: Anonymization through multi-party computation technology.",
IRIS/SCIS Conference, 9-12 August 2020, Sundsvall, Sweden, <https://www.irisscis2020.com>
Rosanne J. Turner, "Safe Statistics for Means and Proportions", video presentation at the Machine Learning Summer School 2020 by the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Germany. Link to the video: https://youtu.be/H5RMtnydAQI
Presentation at the EPI-PHD online quarterly
meeting: Freek Dijkstra, "Data Exchange Demo: Share data while retaining
control and confidentiality of your data." |
Presentation at the EPI-PHD online quarterly meeting: Guido van 't Noordende, "Push authorization - the Whitebox model." |
Poster and short paper at ICT.OPEN
2020 (cancelled): Rosanne J. Turner, Alexander Ly, Judith ter Schure,
Peter D. Grünwald , "Safe Testing: online, anytime valid hypothesis
tests. "
Poster and short paper at ICT.OPEN
2020 (cancelled): Jamila Alsayed Kassem, "EPI infrastructure: A dynamic
infrastructure to secure data sharing in healthcare applications."
Poster and short paper at ICT.OPEN
2020 (cancelled): Milen G. Kebede, Giovanni Sileno, Tom Van Engers,
"Automated regulatory constraints and data governance for healthcare,"
Poster at NWO COMMIT2DATA PI meeting, Utrecht: "Enabling Personalized Interventions (EPI)." |
Presentation by Cees de Laat: Department
of Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow:
"ICT to support the transformation of Science in the Roaring Twenties." |
Poster by Corrine Allaart (VU) at Big Data Health
and Data2Person event, Amersfoort: " Distributed Deep Learning voor
Cerebrovascular Accident." |
Presentation Pitch by Corinne Allaart (VU) at Big
Data Health and Data2Person event, Amersfoort: " Distributed Deep
Learning voor Cerebrovascular Accident."
Presentation by Cees de Laat: eScience conference Visionary track, San Diego: "ICT to support the transformation of Science in the Roaring Twenties."
Presentation by Cees de Laat: CIENA executive
briefing invited science presentation, Ottawa: "ICT to support the
transformation of Science in the Roaring Twenties." |
Presentation by Cees de Laat: Global Research Platform (GRP) workshop, San Diego: "Globally Distributed Secure Data Exchange Fabrics."
Presentation by Cees de Laat, Sander Klous, Josine Janus at kick off meeting: "Enabling personalized Intervetions". |
SURFSARA Superdag 2018 talk: "Digital Data Markets: Trusted Data Processing in Untrusted Environments". |
Session organized by Cees de Laat (chair) at
Internet2 Summit, Washington, May 9, 2018; "Digital Marketplaces Using
Novel Infrastructure Models." |
Report from NWO/STW Workshop "ICT with Industry
2016" Lorenz Centre Leiden, Nov. 7-11th 2016; Prof. dr. Tom M. van
Engers (UvA), Prof. dr. Robert Meijer (UvA, TNO), Dr. ing. Leon Gommans
(Air France KLM Group ICT Technology Office R&D, UvA), Dr. Kees
Nieuwenhuis (Thales Nederland B.V., CTO Office), "Trusted Big Data
Sharing for Aircraft MRO using a Secure Digital Market Place mechanism." |